Monday 30 June 2014

Hypothetical Shopping

H.G. Wells, the father of the science fiction genre of writing, shot to fame with his best seller science fiction novel ‘The Invisible Man’, published in 1897.
The protagonist of the story, Griffin, a budding medico turned physicist becomes invisible to the human eye by lowering the refractive index of his body to that of air, after years of research in optics. Initially, he thinks he has all the power in the world to steal, rob, smite or kill with impunity. However, the three notebooks containing his entire research in cipher language are stolen by Mr. Marvel, a tramp. Therefore, having become invisible once, he cannot reverse the process and has to remain oblivious to human sight for ever. Soon he realizes, however, that it is difficult to thrive in crowded streets where he is constantly jostled and stamped and may be run over by automobiles; that he is as affected by scorching heat and biting cold and inclement weather as any other visible human beings; that if he broke into a house he would make sounds that would arouse people; that dogs can still sniff and bite him and that if he is caught doing any mischief, although a rare possibility, people would show no mercy to him. After cogitating, he hits upon an idea- to shop for a mask to make his face visible, an artificial nose and  a pair of glasses to cover the invisible eyes, a coat and a pair of long boots  and cotton pants so that he can pass as a normal human being no matter how bizarre he may look. After donning this attire, if he wanted to indulge in any homicidal or misanthropic deeds as he was wont to, he simply would have to take off his shoes, remove his mask and throw off his coat and pants, become invisible and accomplish his wanton acts without hindrance. He looks around the marketplace, breaks into department stores, ram shackles shops to search for this ensemble but in vain; it is well nigh impossible for him to get such an outfit comprising numerous articles from one department store, or even from one internet site. Suddenly he hits upon a brilliant idea- why not search for a one stop shop site for any online shopper, which provides an opportunity to buy anything and everything- quality at the most reasonable prices for you from different sites. So, finally, the invisible man found his match in He simply had to order his ensemble and lo and hold! It arrived at his doorstep, cash on delivery. He tried on the ensemble, looked at himself in a cheval mirror and was greatly amused After a long time, he felt like a true human being; his homicidal tendencies waned and he became a normal human being respected and loved, thanks to the readers would be amused to know that, changed the course of events as depicted in the novel; instead of getting killed( as in the novel), the Invisible Man lived happily ever after.
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